Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I've gotta tell you about my latest taste sensation. When you’re not in a relationship it's easy to gain weight, but who can resist Dove’s dark chocolate covered almonds? Dark chocolate and almonds are good for us, but all I really care about is that they taste soooo good.

A pair of what?

I don’t like it when women are told they should grow a pair, as if we should be more like men or that only men have courage.

Making a decision to abstain from sex when there’s no monogamous, committed relationship in sight is one of the most courageous things a woman can do for herself. Women may have more options in life, but the taboo against aloneness stands firm. I still feel it from time to time when a married friend has to go home to her husband or I stand in the movie line alone.

But I’d rather be alone and at peace than together on the emotional rollercoaster. One day my soul mate may come, but until then, it’s all about moi!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kate Spade

My daughter and I went to a Saks Outlet in Woodfield Mall a couple of weeks ago, and there I found the most exquisite, awesomely beautiful pair of black pumps I've ever seen. Kate Spade. They took my breath away.

They were made to perfection, and this is what made them so sensuous. Of course they weren't in my size, but that didn't stop me from picking them up and caressing my check with them. I sighed. Oh, God! They were absolutely gorgeous! No, they weren't sex, but they sure as hell came close.